Monday, October 8, 2007

Fuck Shoes

Every morning during my first classes I go crazy and I want to run around and miss class and shout a lot. My sister says this is because I am anxious and she would probably know because we have the same mom and dad. I hate the morning classes. I can't stop squirming around and relax and pay attention. I always hope for a diversion and an excuse to start laughing. Today I took off my shoes in Latin Class. A boy asked my why I wasn't wearing shoes and I said, "I've been waiting all day for someone to ask me that. If you know anything about my history with shoes, you know what I say is 'fuck shoes.'" and he said "Okay, Dane Cook."

I know that was really pointless but it's an example of how freakin' out I am in the morning. I actually like it when people tell really boring, pointless stories because it makes me feel less retarded. I have like twenty notecards due tomorrow and I've done like nine.

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